This article is made by modifying parts of “INVENTORY
MANAGEMENT OF CRITICAL SPARE PARTS AND ITS RELATION TO PMS” - by Aleksandar Pudar The complete paper can
be found on
The ocean-going vessel provides transportation service,
and the spare parts inventory reliability is crucial.
Spare parts inventory is necessary to provide
emergency services in getting the vessels back to work in the shortest time
Over the years, on the older vessels, the companies
accumulate an extensive inventory and the formal procedure to manage it that is
due for improvement. The improvement may result in funds savings that can be
used elsewhere in the company.
Existing inventory policy is being refined, and its
implementation and use followed up/enforced to assist in this task.
For the calculation that resulted
in the Critical or Optimal Spare
Parts List for each vessel,
first required variable is estimated off-hire cost
( using current rates or past 12-month average ), the failure frequency, and
the machinery lifetime where it will be used.
Vessel being off-hire for any reason, whether it is for
inspection, maintenance, or malfunction, costs money. The precise cost aids
managers in decision making as to when to arrange vessel for dry docking, or in
the case of repairs, how much to spend on getting the vessel running again.
For accurate cost projection, it is
required to know what is being affected by off-hire. Vessel unemployment and
income reduction may look like the most a significant part of off-hire costs, any actual cost of the off-hire, an estimate should include the value of the opportunities that were lost when the spares were not available.
To calculate the total off-hire cost, we need to sum up the following values.
- Labour cost, direct and indirect, of the off-hire.
find the direct labour costs, we
took the length of the possible off-hire and multiplied it by the hourly costs of the vessel operators. Calculated indirect
labour costs by determining how much of a
share of the supervisory and support workload the vessel takes, then multiplied
that by the costs of the support staff and managers.’ (Source Unknown)
- The cost of direct value loss due to off-hire. The loss = to the worth of the
service that would have been produced during the off-hire.
- The start-up costs are related to restarting the vessel, including
any additional workers needed energy surges, and inspection costs.
- The costs are related to the actual repair, either
temporarily or permanently.
Because of the cost
of off-hire will usually exceed the value of the part, all items are valuable on
the same level to the operations of the company, to distinguish items of
interest from other items, more data needs to be collected rather than just the
price of the parts.
We defined a Critical Spare Parts
Calculator that took into account:
- Off-hire
cost per hour if the part is unavailable
- Off-hire
if the spare part is available in
- Off-hire if the spare part is not available in stock
- An expected remaining lifetime of the
- Estimated
failure frequency
- Inventory
interest (including the cost of storeroom, depreciation)
- Cost
of the spare part
The calculator
resulted in financial value:
- Extra
cost per breakdown without the spare
part in stock (C)
- ‘Probability that the spare part
will be used (P)’ (Olofsson, 2018)
- Expected
downtime cost without the spare part (=C*P)
- ‘Expected holding cost of the
spare part (H)’ (Olofsson, 2018)
- Expected
obsolescence cost if the spare part never will be used (O)
- Total
spare part costs (=H+O)
- Expected
impact cost
1. Critical Spare Parts Calculator - Modified by Author - ©2009 Oskar Olofsson -
form is used to calculate the costs if a company buys and keeps the critical
spares, or not. The calculation is based on statistical methods and is used to
optimise maintenance stores. Filling in figures and estimations, and will result
in a critical spare part or non-critical spare part (a buy, or not buy,)
Table 3 - Extract from “SHIPBOARD
Snapshot 2 - Critical Spare Part List - taken by Author from Danaos Enterprise –Technical module
the calculation: estimate downtime costs, the failure frequency, and the lifetime of the machinery where it will be used
Example (modified
from- J.Fukuda Feb.2008) :
Identify a required spare parts
quantity to achieve a confidence level of 90%. Following data were needed:
Units in need of spares per vessel:
4 units A = 4 EA for two vessels N = 2 vsl.
Each unit operates average 225 RH
per month, M= 225 RH
The period
between overhauls is 7500 RH, MTBR = 7500 RH
The initial
period of use is 24 months, T = 24 m. Using
the following formula
By using Poison Distribution [2]equation
0 spare, P = exp (-5.76) = 0.003 = 0.3%
< 90%
1 spare, P = 0.003 (1+5.76)
= 0.0213 = 2.13% < 90%
2 spares, P = 0.003(6.76+16.6) = 0.0736
= 7.36% < 90%
3 spares, P = 0.003 (23.36+31.85)
= 0.1739 = 17.39% < 90%
4 spares, P = 0.003(55.21+45.9) = 0.3185
= 31.85% < 90%
5 spares, P = 0.003 (101.1+52.8)
= 0.485 = 48.5% < 90%
6 spares, P = 0.003 (153.91+50.7) = 0.6448
= 64.48% < 90%
7 spares, P = 0.003 (204.6+41.7)
= 0.7763 = 77.63% < 90%
8 spares, P = 0.003(246.3+30.1) = 0.8710=
87.10% < 90%
9 spares, P =
0.003(276.4+34.2) = 0.9316 = 93.16% > 90%
By following the above, it is determined that the recommended
quantity comes to nine spare parts for 24
months lifespan of the unit in question for
two ships to achieve a confidence level
of 90%. Of course, to expedite the calculation, an excel spreadsheet is used.
Table 2 – “Vessel Spares Quantity (Poison
Distribution) Calculator.” – Created by 3rd Officer Stefan Grozev -
2018©Reederei Nord BV -
The additional data needed is the lead time on the part and the cost of off-hire of the vessel,
rather than just the price or the quantity of a new part. Because the new parts
price is less than the cost that would incur while not having it, the cost of
off-hire is used, instead, along with the lead time associated with that item.
The spares of interest are those who
are not accessible to source in a short period and cause an expensive off-hire
loss to the company. It takes some items weeks to receive, while others are
readily available at any time. Identification of the lead time is crucial.
1 – Inventory - Snapshot by Author from Danaos Enterprise –Supplies Control
After the downtime cost,
lead time and required quantity were determined next
step is to do standard RA using a matrix for each critical and optimal spare part and critical and standard equipment, and the result will be a standardised ship specific
Critical and Optimal Spare Parts List. RAs has been done to ensure that there
are no omissions in the use of Critical Spare
Parts calculator and to identify additional risks. The goal is to minimise the
losses by providing a risk assessment.
The collected spare parts data is ranked in an RA matrix
allowing the technical team to visualise which items are of interest.
As it is
seen, this process does not replace technical expertise and the experience or
technical personnel; it aids it.
Snapshot 2 - Critical Spare Part List - taken by Author from Danaos Enterprise –Technical module
Effective inventory
management is essential and plays a pivotal role in engineering management.
Shipping companies deal
with many spares, in inventory and on top we have to cope with unpredictable
demand. The standard way of approach cannot be used, but instead, need to be
adapted to fit the environment better to assist the company in inventory
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MANUAL – DECK / ENGINE PROCEDURES. Amsterdam: Reederei Nord BV, pp. 3-3, Line
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3. Snapshots
and Tables:
Snapshot 1 - Inventory - taken by Author from
Danaos Enterprise –Supplies Control Module
Snapshot 2 - Critical Spare Part List - taken by
Author from Danaos Enterprise –Technical module
Table 1- Critical Spare Parts Calculator - Modified by
Author using Excel Template purchased from ©2009 Oskar Olofsson -
Table 2 – “Vessel Spares Quantity (Poison Distribution) Calculator.” –
created by 3rd Officer Stefan Grozev - 2018©Reederei Nord BV -
Table 3 - Extract from RNBV -“SHIPBOARD MANUAL – DECK / ENGINE PROCEDURES 2.3 – Critical Equipment
[1] The form is used to calculate the costs if you buy and keep the critical spares, or not. The calculation is based on statistical methods and is used to optimize your maintenance stores. Fill in figures and estimations, and will be presented with a critical spare part or non-critical spare part (a buy, or not buy,) recommendation.
For the calculation: estimate downtime costs, the failure frequency, and the lifetime of the machinery where it will be used
[2] In probability theory and
statistics, the Poisson distribution (French pronunciation: [pwasɔ̃]; in
English often rendered /ˈpwɑːsɒn/), named after French mathematician Siméon
Denis Poisson, is a discrete probability distribution that expresses the
probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time
or space if these events occur with a known constant rate and independently of
the time since the last event.[1]The Poisson distribution can also be used for
the number of events in other specified intervals such as distance, area or
“ Out of Box Maritime Thinker” © 2018 and Aleksandar Pudar assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this paper. The information contained in this paper is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information. The ideas and strategies should never be used without first assessing your own company situation or system, or without consulting a consultancy professional. The content of this paper is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only