
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Hull Inspection, Damage & Repair - Part IV

Hull Inspection, Damage and Repair ( Reporting and Assessing Structural Defects )  Part IV

Measures to Improve Fatigue Life 5 (+1)

Fit / Extend Bracket

Full Penetration Weld

Full penetration weld for about 250-300 mm at the end of the bracket.

Increase Thickness of Bracket at End

Improve Taper of the Face Bar

Reduce Thickness of the Face Bar

+1. Fix the End of the Stiffener
Care needs to be taken not to induce new hardpoints. In this case, the ends of the new bracket are directly above under –deck stiffeners.

Critical Areas- General
  1. Frames in way of side ballast tanks and holds
  2. Bottom plates in way of suctions
  3. Hold bilge wells ( when they continue to shell plating)
  4. Engine room wells ( when they continue to shell plating)
  5. Distance pieces
  6. Frames in ER close to SW pumps
  7. Frames in way of chain locker when continued to shell plating
  8. Plating below windlass
  9. Structure in way of septic tanks
  10. Areas not generally inspected
  11. Floors separating FO and ballast tanks
Regular inspection, proper maintenance, planning and comprehensive record keeping is essential in maintaining vessels in good shape and in the safe condition.

Tanker Nomenclature – Typical Midship Section

Tanker Nomenclature – Typical Transverse Bulkhead

  1. Bureau Veritas (2006). Mini Survey Handbook Part A - Ships in Service. (First ed.). France: Marine Division Ships in Service Management ( DNS).
  2. Gutierrez, M. – Retired Senior Surveyor LR, 2018. Conversation/Lecture to/with Aleksandar Pudar from 18 to 21/9/2018.
  3. Lloyd's Register Marine (2014). Hull Inspection, Damage and Repair. (Third Edition ed.). United Kingdom: First published by Lloyd's Register ,2009. 
  4. Lloyd's register marine (2015). Hull Inspection, Damage and Repair. (First ed.). United Kingdom: Lloyds Register.
  5. 2018. “ Pitting intensity diagrams” [Online]. Available from: < > [Accessed on : 2 October 2018]. 
  6. Marchant , T, Dr.Lomas, J & Dr.Callow, L (2009). WHITE PAPER:THE FEASIBILITY OF A CORROSION RESISTANT SHIP. [Online]. (1 ed.). United Kingdom: © BMT Defence Services Limited 2009 © Amtec Consultants Ltd 2009. Available from: < >[Accessed on : 2 October 2018]. 
  7. Tanker Structure Co-operative Forum (1995). GUIDELINES FOR THE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF DOUBLE HULL TANKER STRUCTURES. (1st  ed.). England: Witherby & Co.Ltd.
  8. Tanker Structure Co-operative forum (2014). Guidance Manual for Tanker Structures - Consolidated Edition 2014. (2nd ed.). Great Britain: Witherby Seamanship International.
  9. Tanker Structure Co-operative forum (1986). Guidance Manual for the Inspection and Condition Assessment of Tanker Structures. (1st  ed.). England: Witherby Marine Publishing.
  10. Tanker structure co-operative forum (1992). Condition Evaluation and Maintenance of Tanker Structures . (1st ed.). England: Witherby & Co.Ltd.

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