
Monday, February 13, 2023


 AI-Based Predictive Maintenance - Start

The start of AI-based predictive maintenance is data collection and pre-processing. This involves gathering data from various sensors placed on the machines or embedded in the machine itself. The data can include temperature, pressure, vibration, and load. This data is then pre-processed to remove any outliers or noise and to ensure the data is in a format suitable for analysis.

One common approach to anomaly detection in rotating machinery is to use statistical models such as Gaussian Mixture Models or Hidden Markov Models. These models are trained on historical data collected from the equipment to establish normal operating conditions. Then, real-time data can be compared to the model to identify deviations from normal behavior, which can be flagged as an anomaly.

Another anomaly detection approach is using machine learning algorithms such as clustering or deep learning. For example, a clustering algorithm can be used to group similar patterns in the data and then identify any significantly different patterns. Deep learning algorithms such as autoencoders or recurrent neural networks can also detect anomalies by learning patterns in the data and comparing new data to the learned patterns to identify any deviations.

Once the data is pre-processed, the next step is to perform feature engineering, which involves selecting and transforming the relevant variables from the data to help improve the accuracy of the predictive models.

Once anomalies have been detected, it is vital to interpret the data and determine the root cause of the problem. This information can then be used to make informed decisions about the maintenance that needs to be performed, such as replacing a worn part or performing a routine check.

After feature engineering, the next step is to choose a suitable machine learning algorithm to develop the predictive maintenance model. This can include algorithms such as random forests, decision trees, support vector machines, or neural networks. The choice of algorithm will depend on the complexity of the data and the problem being solved.

Rotating Machinery - Anomaly Detection

Through regular use, the deterioration of a rotating machine, such as a pump or fan, can produce anomalies, which should be viewed as a warning of suboptimal conditions rather than a complete shutdown. Sensors play a critical role in detecting these anomalies, as the sensors and sensor outputs used in anomaly detection significantly impact their performance. Therefore, choosing sensors with the appropriate capabilities and features is essential. However, there is still a risk of error if the data from these sensors is not accurately transferred to the model. Incorrect data transfer can result in false-positive alarms, causing a waste of time and effort or even more severe consequences such as missed alarms and material and moral damage. Supervised learning is impossible when no labelled data from machines with historically defective and healthy signals exist. In this situation, a machine learning model can be trained on a training set consisting only of "normal" samples. Then, an anomaly alarm can be triggered based on measuring the distance between the original signal and the predicted signal.

However, we need to define "normal" and "abnormal" at this stage, which can be challenging. One way to overcome this challenge is to use unsupervised learning methods such as clustering or autoencoders. Clustering methods group similar data points together, and if there is an anomaly in the data, it will be placed in its cluster, making it easy to identify. Autoencoders are neural networks that can reconstruct the input data, and any deviation between the input data and the reconstructed data can indicate an anomaly.

Another technique that can be used in anomaly detection is time-series analysis, where the behavior of the rotating machine over time is analysed to detect any deviations from normal behavior. For example, the vibration signal of a machine can be analysed over time to detect any changes in the frequency spectrum or any sudden spikes in vibration. These changes can indicate a potential issue with the machine, and maintenance can be performed to prevent a complete failure.

Feature Extraction

Rotating equipment operates by generating vibrations and maintaining these vibrations at acceptable levels for reliable production. To detect anomalies in these machines, sensors play a crucial role in the predictive maintenance process. Vibrations measured by accelerometers are the most basic units for detecting anomalies. Two main features can be extracted from the acceleration signals collected: time domain features and frequency domain features.

Metrics such as RMS, Crest, Kurtosis, and Peak can be obtained from the time domain. In contrast, total harmonic distortion, harmonic indications, spectral centroid, and sideband energy are extracted from the frequency domain. It is crucial to transfer these frequency domain features to the machine learning model to create a reliable model. The frequency content is a signature of the normal or abnormal state of the machine, and the speed information should also be included in the model for independent harmonic analysis. With each frequency amplitude from a 3-axis vibration sensor entered as a feature, the machine learning model can compare thousands of features in a multi-dimensional mathematical space, allowing even the most subtle anomalies to be detected based on the model's resolution.

Machine Mode Analysis

Numerous types of machines are utilized in various industries, each designed to perform different functions. These machines operate in cycles powered by various factors like fluctuating production speed, raw materials, and processes. For instance, the speed of a rolling mill may vary based on the desired material quality, thickness, and production speed. As a result, the vibration data from the machine also changes with the speed.

In traditional predictive maintenance applications, anomaly alarms may trigger with every speed change, which is inaccurate. In such cases, it is crucial to include process parameters like speed, power, etc., in the model and determine the different machine modes first. For example, during a test on a roller, vibration data was collected at four different speeds, and the machine learning model revealed six distinct modes. Four of these modes operate at different speeds, one is the mode in which the machine is idle, and the last mode is the mode in which anomalies occur.

The graph shows five groups if the measurements are not coloured, but the model has six modes because the machine's operating cycle in one cluster, divided into two groups, is the critical speed. This leads to mechanical looseness and coupling over time, resulting in a new abnormal mode (purple measurements in Figure 2). Although the standard deviation of the data in the cluster is evident compared to other clusters, it is challenging to distinguish two different modes in that cluster.


Two measurements operating in the same mode can be differentiated by their spectral information, as shown by the blue and purple plots. However, it may not be easy to distinguish these two measurements by looking at their average Vrms values. The reason is that Vrms may not be sufficient for high-frequency vibrations and may not detect anomalies in some fault types. Hence, transferring all spectral information to the machine learning model ensures optimal results in anomaly detection.


AI-based predictive maintenance is crucial in detecting and preventing failures in rotating machinery. The first step in implementing AI-based predictive maintenance is data collection and pre-processing, followed by feature engineering and selecting the appropriate machine learning algorithm to develop the predictive maintenance model. Vibration signals measured by accelerometers are the most commonly used sensors in predictive maintenance, and features such as RMS, Crest, Kurtosis, Peak, total harmonic distortion, harmonic indications, spectral centroid, and sideband energy can be extracted from the signals for analysis. Furthermore, time-series analysis and unsupervised learning methods like clustering and autoencoders can detect rotating machinery anomalies. Additionally, it is essential to include machine mode analysis and process parameters in the predictive maintenance model to increase its accuracy.


1. (n.d.). Rolls-Royce opens first Ship Intelligence Experience Space. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Feb. 2023].

2.       Medium. (n.d.). Medium. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Feb. 2023].

Thursday, June 2, 2022


The Vessel's Spares Parts Management ( within MPMS(CB))

Suppose the vessel does not have that spare part when needed, then the owner may be in big trouble.

However, it is impossible to keep an extra vessel in the storeroom.

Vessels are trading worldwide, and it is difficult to predict what might happen and when and do proper planning for the delivery of necessary spare parts

Vessel spares are supplied in 4-6 months intervals for typical spares used throughout the year.

However, there is an analytical way to minimize the expected costs if an unexpected breakdown occurs. In addition, there is a way to identify critical spares that may affect the vessel earnings if the spare part is not readily available onboard.

The process of that analytical way is following; keep in mind that using common sense to choose spares and machinery included in this process is paramount to the success of the process.

1st step is to calculate the costs of whether or not to purchase and keep the critical spares.


2nd step is to estimate downtime costs ( off-hire ), the failure frequency, and the lifetime of the machinery where it will be used.


In case 1st and 2nd steps indicate that spare might be financially critical (high financial impact in case spare is not on board), then it is time to proceed

Step 3 Risk Assessment must be done keeping in mind redundancy of equipment, the criticality of equipment, experience-based of machinery maintenance history, condition-based monitoring etc

If all three steps indicate that a spare part is critical or optimal for running maintenance and should be kept on board, then that spare can be included in the planned maintenance and kept on board

Combining these three results can determine the criticality level l of spare and ensure that the best decision has been made regarding that machinery and the vessel overall.


An Introduction to Planned Maintenance Storeroom Management


Planned Maintenance Storeroom Management is the essential skill of any marine engineer in managing the storage of spares required for normal vessel trading. Sometimes this  has been compared to having a floating spare parts store for the vessel

The maintenance items inventory includes all the spare parts for machinery, tools, and company-supplied consumable equipment such as safety glasses, overalls, etc., necessary for the vessel's normal day-to-day operation.

This category excludes consumables, such as washers or bolts.


Planned Maintenance Storeroom Management has three major goals:

  • To have the spare that is needed
  • To supply that spare quickly when it is needed
  • To control the overall cost of delivering and keeping spares in stock

For example, suppose that a gasket on an emergency fire pump needs to be replaced about twice a year, but only when it "fails" (rather than on a pre-emptive maintenance schedule). That emergency fire pump will stop running until the gasket is replaced. There will be a significant delay in bringing it online if it is out of stock, even if the replacement can be purchased and delivered on board. If a replacement gasket is listed in the inventory but misplaced, there is still a delay as one or more engineers search for the item. Sometimes the response to this "crisis" is that a dozen gaskets are purchased, some stored near the emergency fire pump and more in the storeroom. That expense represents a 60 month supply; some gaskets will likely be misplaced in the coming years, completely wasting the purchase.

Setting up proper inventory keeping procedures is essential in planned maintenance storeroom management. The procedure must be simple and easy to follow.

The best solution is to have that in an integrated software solution linked to approved PMS software and purchasing software.( Danaos,PAL,BASS, NETPASS etc)

So the prerequisite for proper spare parts management is to have a reliability-centred maintenance program (RCM) or machinery planned maintenance system (MPMS) with condition-based monitoring (CB). The advantage is that most maintenance is scheduled; therefore, the demand for many maintenance spares are known in advance.

Ensure that the crew members are given sufficient advance notice of the planned maintenance schedule to pick up the spares and prepare maintenance "shopping carts" for each machinery. Alternatively, to have enough notice ( including delivery time) to order spare and have it on board just in time or before it is required.

This smoothes out the workload for the storeroom management and should lead to fewer errors. 

One key recommendation is to consider a barcode computerized inventory management system for the maintenance supplies. This should integrate the purchasing, storage and stock-release functions, so the system tracks pending orders, expense authorizations, where items are stored, and to whom the items are released.

Ordering / Purchasing Guidelines for Planned Maintenance Storeroom

This is usually where engineers believe they do well and often do.

For improvement, it can be considered a kanban approach or some iteration of it: let demand-pull re-order process. While this usually is applied to parts and processes in manufacturing production, it can be applied to vessel maintenance parts, if appropriately planned in line with MPMS(CB)

The brief idea is to order new stock (applicable to most consumables and select machinery spares) when the remaining inventory drops to the point where the replacements will arrive just before the system reports "out of stock" to the subsequent request.

Basically, for select items ( expensive consumables) purchasing system should have lead time included in the description.

So when the item drops to min described stock or the rate of consumption reaches min level, the system alerts the user to place an order for the item so that item comes onboard when needed considering lead time.

This way, the risk is minimized, considering that this is being applied to the vessel.

Kanban requires a good understanding of the lead for each item and the lead time between the order and its delivery.

The benefit is that kanban minimizes inventory levels while maintaining enough supply to meet maintenance requirements on board.

Deciding Whether to Stock a Critical Spare Part

A financially-driven decision on whether or not to stock a particular spare part compares the cost of being out of stock against the cost of keeping a replacement part in inventory. For example, once a machine breaks down and a replacement part is required, there are two possibilities: the part is in stock, or it has to be purchased. The extra cost for being out-of-stock is the hourly cost of downtime, multiplied by the extra time required to purchase the item rather than taking it out of inventory. On the other hand, the holding cost for having the part in stock includes the interest on the pre-paid item, storage costs, and depreciation if the part becomes obsolete before it is needed.

This calculation is essential for expensive but critical spare parts. An informed decision requires knowing the cost of downtime, how often the part must be replaced per year, and the time it takes to purchase the new part.

It is overkill to run through this calculation for inexpensive or easily-stocked parts.

Stock-Keeping Guidelines

It is useless to have a spare in stock if it is not found.

Again, most engineers ensure that they have a system for keeping track of where spares are stored.

The best practice on board or in any workplace is to keep the workplace tidy and organized; this is especially important for spare past storage and inventory.

It puts the most frequently used items nearest the point of use (in easy reach), the most-rarely used items into storage areas and intermediate-use items in convenient places within sight of the point of use.

Maintenance Storeroom Guidelines for Releasing Stock


This is often the downfall for engineers and other crewmembers. Engineers are undoubtedly rushing to pick up spares and are not inclined to fill in the paperwork.

However, a lack of control over stock withdrawal is similar to a self-serve store with no cash register. Items that might be taken for personal use, such as safety glasses, solvents or drill bits, might easily find their way to cabins. In addition, inventory management and re-ordering are compromised even with most honest engineers without some tracking system.

Worse yet, an increase in the consumption of maintenance spares may be the symptom of a significant problem with a machinery or maintenance process. Engineers might overlook this if the problem builds slowly but could be visible as an increase in usage even before it becomes an out-of-stock or over-spending issue.

How can the process of taking spares from the planned maintenance storeroom be made quicker and more accessible and with increased record-keeping accuracy?

The best labour-saving approach is to use either a barcode scanner, QR code scanner or RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) devices to log spares as they are removed from inventory. This should, of course, be integrated into the PMS

The best time-saver to track which department (Deck /Engine) withdrew the spares is to use the employee's computer-readable identification card. The withdrawal is then charged to that employee's department budget.



A vessel's overall performance relies heavily on how well its planned maintenance storerooms are managed.  The stock of spare parts may grow over time. When the machinery for which they are intended is replaced, the newly obsolete spares might remain on the shelves. Spares with a limited shelf life need to be replaced.

It can be difficult to argue to reduce this inventory since an out-of-stock situation can stop the vessel or reduce training capacity.


The requirement to balance keeping the parts in inventory with the need to control spending is the reason it is important to have a clear, rational, and well-understood policy. The person in charge of the planned maintenance storeroom needs to know the costs, the frequency of the need for specific critical, optimal, consumable and expensive parts and the lead time required for purchasing them and delivering them on board to keep that balance.


 For more information and guidance contact us.



         “ Out of Box Maritime Thinker” © 2018 and Aleksandar Pudar assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this paper. The information contained in this paper is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information. The ideas and strategies should never be used without first assessing your own company situation or system, or without consulting a consultancy professional. The content of this paper is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only

Friday, January 21, 2022


EU Ship Recycling Regulation Brief - Impact Overview

1.     Regulations

EU Ship Recycling Regulation ("EU SRR") – means Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2013 on Ship recycling and amending Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 and Directive 2009/16/EC (EU SRR).

It requires EU flagged ships to be recycled at approved yards on the EU list. EU yards are allowed on the list without fulfilling uniform criteria. In contrast, non-EU yards have to be inspected by European Commission appointed auditors according to precise criteria before inclusion on the list.

2.     Ship Recycling Facility/ Shipbreaking Facility/Yard/Scrapyards

The owners must do sufficient due diligence and follow up in connection with disposal of Ships at the end of life and sale of Ships expected to be recycled shortly. In addition, shipowners must ensure that Ships sold for recycling are recycled according to the international regulations and standards by:

     Using a recycling yard on the European List with a compliance statement from a reputable specialist organization concerning the EU SRR

     Preparing the Ship for responsible recycling through mapping all hazardous material, arranging necessary inspections, obtaining the required certificates, and emptying, cleaning and venting the Ship as per the EU Ship Recycling Regulation requirements.

     Using yards that can document responsible recycling through a Ship Recycling Facility Plan and a vessel-specific Ship Recycling Plan.

     Using yards with fixed arrangements for collecting and processing hazardous or contaminated waste and proper emergency response capabilities to document good HSE and labour policies.

     Following up the recycling process through inspections and reporting.

     Securing their rights to follow up, stopping work when necessary etc through the contractual agreements entered into at the sale of a vessel at the end of life.

     Shipowners should obtain and maintain IHMs for vessels in the fleet throughout their lifetime.

              2.1  List of yards under regulations 

As of 21/01/22, the European List of Ship recycling facilities currently contains  43 yards, including 34 yards in Europe, 8 yards in Turkey and 1 yard in the USA.

The world's two biggest ship scrap yards by capacity, China's Zhoushan Changhong International Ship Recycling and Jiang Xiagang Changjiang Ship Recycling Yard, have applied to include their facilities in the future EU list Ship Recycling Facilities.

Lloyd's Register (LR) has commenced its initial verification of the yards' ship recycling facility plans (SRFP) and will help them complete their applications to the European Commission.

            2.2  List of yards outside of regulation

             Around 85 per cent of the world's shipbreaking activities occur in Bangladesh, China, Pakistan                                                 and India

3.     Cost /Earning

    3.1 Cost inside EU regulation

Cost per ton for second-hand metal from ship scraping per country as of 10.01.2022 following  EU regulation



Wet - USD$ 335/345 per LDT

Dry - USD$ 325/335 per LDT

Container - USD$ 345/355 per LDT

Market Sentiment: Steady

3.2 Cost outside EU regulation

Cost per ton for second-hand metal from ship scraping per country as of 10.01.2022 not following EU regulation


Wet - USD$ 595/605 per LDT

Dry - USD$ 585/595 per LDT

Container - USD$ 605/615 per LDT

Market Sentiment: Declining


Wet - USD$ 585/595 per LDT

Dry - USD$ 575/585 per LDT

Container - USD$ 595/605 per LDT

Market Sentiment: Declining


Wet - USD$ 555/565 per LDT

Dry - USD$ 545/555 per LDT

Container - USD$ 565/575 per LDT

Market Sentiment: Declining

4.     Legal way to scrap vessel outside EU regulation

   The practice of beaching vessels for recycling is illegal for all European flagged ships. Owners who sell end of life ships to buyers knowing that such buyers are likely to dismantle the Ship in an unsafe and environmentally unsound manner, may, at the least, face reputational risk. At the worst, such sellers may be charged with violating waste shipment regulations. (Seatrade case)

5.     References:


 (LDT) Light displacement tonnage is defined as the weight of the ship with all its permanent equipment, excluding the weight of cargo, fuel, water, ballast, stores, passengers, crew, but usually including the weight of permanent ballast and water used to operate steam machinery.

Thursday, September 16, 2021


 Intro into CBM

Obtaining insight into the common predictors of machinery failure can be an expensive endeavour. What is usually missing is the ability to make a conclusion from all the data available on board. Also managing properly the dataflows that machine failures trigger can be challenging.

By definition: 

"Condition Based Monitoring is a maintenance strategy that allows monitoring the actual condition of an asset, extracting information to understand the machines' actual wear, degradation and if a relevant change has occurred."

Condition-based monitoring is an approach to integrate machine data with existing PMS (MPMS notation). Users gain the benefit of insightful data that can integrate with their existing PMS/ERP and IMS processes to execute anything related to predictive or proactive machinery maintenance i.e. maintaining the machinery Just In Time (JIT).
Most time-based maintenance periods are arbitrary, based on initial Maker’s recommendations which in most cases go unquestioned and remain set throughout the vessel’s life.

It is impossible for Maker to undertake a full analytical maintenance justification for every piece of equipment.
 Most marine vessel failures occur due to unnecessary and excessive maintenance , incorrect installation, poor design and incorrect operation.
Condition monitoring, when combined with maintenance processes have demonstrated significant benefits throughout the maritime industry in terms of reducing maintenance activities and costs, helping to avoid unplanned stoppages and more.
Condition-based maintenance processes, properly applied, can help to identify and rectify problems at an early stage and can improve marine machinery reliability and reduce maintenance costs significantly.
This has been confirmed by the major classification agencies ( DNV GL, LR, ABS). Keeping machinery running in optimum condition reduces the likelihood that it will fail in service, leading to improved reliability and increased efficiencies.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Shipyard Experience

Published in "Nord News"  Winter 2019 pages 8 and 9
Alpha Tower, De Entree 53
1101BH Amsterdam - Netherlands
Abstract: Published in "Nord News" Winter 2019 pages 8 and 9 Publisher REEDEREI NORD BV Alpha Tower, De Entree 53 1101BH Amsterdam - Netherlands

Monday, November 25, 2019

IMS - Oil Tanker Company

Integrated Management System for Oil Tanker Company Related to Environmental Protection (IMS, ISO 14001, ISO 9001) Part I - Introduction

Nowadays, it is a requirement for all companies to have environmental protection policies; the same applies to tanker oil companies.
Tanker companies have created and incorporated in their system appropriate environmental policies;
unfortunately, most small companies treat their policies as a paper exercise and do only what is necessary to comply with rules and regulations.
On the other hand, the majority of today's modern responsible shipping company works on consolidation and integration of their system,
mostly their IMS is integrated with standards like ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001:2015, to enforce their policies and increase their competitiveness in the market.
Results of that kind of integration are shown in an increase in the quality of their services and reductions in fuel consumption.

ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems

“part of the management system used to manage environmental aspects, fulfil compliance obligations and address risks and opportunities.”

Aim of an environmental management system

The purpose of this International Standard is to provide organisations with a framework to protect the environment
and respond to changing environmental conditions in balance with socio-economic needs.
It specifies requirements that enable an organisation to achieve the intended outcomes it sets for its environmental management system.
A systematic approach to environmental management can provide top management with information to build success over
the long term and create an option for contributing to sustainable development by:

protecting the environment by preventing or mitigating adverse environmental impacts;
mitigating the potential adverse effect of environmental conditions on the organisation;
assisting the organisation in the fulfilment of compliance obligations;
enhancing environmental performance;
controlling or influencing the way an organisation’s products and services are designed,
manufactured, distributed, consumed and disposed of by using a life cycle the perspective
that can prevent environmental impacts from being unintentionally shifted elsewhere within the life cycle;
achieving financial and operational benefits that can result from implementing environmentally sound alternatives that strengthen the organisation’s market position;
communicating environmental information to relevant interested parties;

This International Standard, like other International Standards, is not intended to increase or change an organisation’s legal requirements.

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management systems

ISO 9001:2015 is a company-level certification based on the standard published by the International Organization for Standardization titled
"Quality management systems-Requirements".
This standard revises ISO 9001:2008 to include requirements for a new, higher-level structure as a common framework to all ISO management systems,
risk-based thinking in quality system processes, fewer prescribed requirements with less emphasis on documentation,
clear definition of the quality management system boundaries and increased leadership requirements.
Any certifications issued to ISO 9001:2008 will no longer be valid after September 2018.
ISO 9001:2015 is a non-industry-specific certification and is intended for any organisation that wants to implement and maintain a quality management system.
Certifications Are issued by third-party certifying bodies. For an organisation to maintain ISO 9001:2015 certification,
they will be subjected to annual or regularly scheduled audits to evaluate the organisation's continued compliance with the standard.

ISM Code
The purpose of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code is to provide an the international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and pollution prevention.
The Code's origins go back to the late 1980s when there was mounting concern about poor Management standards in shipping.
Investigations into accidents revealed significant errors on the part of management, and in 1987 the IMO Assembly adopted resolution A.596(15),
which called upon the Maritime Safety Committee to develop guidelines concerning shore-based management to ensure the safe operation of ro-ro passenger ferries.
The Code establishes safety-management objectives and requires a safety management system (SMS) to be established by "the Company",
which is defined as the owner or any other organisation or person, such as the manager or bareboat charterer, who has assumed responsibility for operating the ship and who,
on assuming such responsibility has agreed to take over all duties and responsibilities imposed by the Code.
The Company is then required to establish and implement a policy for achieving these objectives. This includes providing the necessary resources and shore-based support.
Every company is expected "to designate a person or persons ashore having direct access to the highest level of management" to provide a link between the company and those on board.
The procedures required by the Code should be documented and compiled in a Safety Management Manual, a copy of which should be kept on board.
Companies have recognised the need to do integration of IMS with  ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001:2015 and that resulted in the creation of an INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - IMS
Quality and Environment Management System and its Processes
Companies following consideration of the knowledge gained throughout the years of operation, postulates of IMS as well as the ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 standards
requirements of implementing a Process approach have chosen to follow the “

"Plan-Do-Check-Act” (PDCA) management, model.

The IMS is best viewed as an organising framework, continually monitored and periodically reviewed to provide adequate direction for the company management in response to changing internal and external factors.
Everyone that is an employee of the company is expected to strive to achieve environmental improvements, as applicable.
Referring to the environmental aspect of IMS, it should be within the scope of the IMS that
the company determines the potential emergencies, including those that can have an environmental impact, i.e. any Operational Control of Aspects & Impacts. The company should maintain documented information of:

  • Risks and opportunities that need to be addressed
  • Environmental aspects and their associated impacts
  • Compliance obligations
  • Planning actions.
  • Planning is critical to the fulfilment of the environmental policy and the Establishment, implementation and maintenance of the IMS. 
The company’s planning process includes:

  • Identification of applicable legal and other requirements to which the company subscribes
  • The setting of objectives and the establishment of planning actions to achieve them.
  • The setting of internal performance criteria where appropriate, including measurable Key Performance Indicators at relevant functions and levels within the Organisation,to support the achievement of the organisational objectives.
  • Recognising the importance of planning for the fulfilment of our environmental policy and the establishment, implementation and maintenance of the IMS, the company should have  identified:
  1. All company  activities and their environmental aspects that can be controlled or influenced
  2. All the environmental impacts of each aspect.
  3. The company considers how to measure/evaluate its policy commitments, objectives and other performance criteria and establishes the Environmental Performance Indicators (EPIs). 
  4. Identifying significant environmental aspects and associated impacts is necessary to determine where control or improvement is needed and to set priorities for management action.
  5. Changes to the environment, either adverse or beneficial that result wholly or partially from environmental aspects are called environmental impacts.
  6. The relationship between environmental aspects and associated impacts is one of cause and effect.
  7. In this respect, the company should identify the environmental aspects of its activities and services, 
  8. within the defined scope of the IMS that it can control and those that it can influence and their associated impacts, considering a life cycle perspective.

When determining those aspects that have or can have significant impacts on the environment, the company should take into account:

  • Planned or new developments, new or modified activities, products and services
  • Normal/ abnormal conditions and reasonably foreseeable emergencies.
  • The company documents this information and communicates its significant environmental aspects among the various levels of employees and keeps it up to date.

The company maintains documented information of it is:

  • Environmental aspects and associated environmental impacts
  • Criteria used to determine its significant environmental aspects; the criteria are:
  • Documented legislation relevant to the aspects
  • Declared interest from the interested parties
  • Existing references in the environmental policy.
  • Significant environmental aspects
  • Scope and of its environmental policy.

The process of establishing significant environmental aspects involves the following steps:

  • Identifying, evaluating and prioritising environmental aspects.
  • Defining goals and environmental programs.

Concerning the provisions of ISO 14001:2015 and the scope of standard IMS, most shipping companies have:

  • Negligible influence on the use and end-of-life treatment of the products that are transported through its vessels;
  • Negligible influence on the design and construction of vessels before contracting for service with their owners;
  • Negligible influence on the use and end-of-life treatment of vessels after the owner’s contracting with other managers or his decision to terminate the cooperation with the company. 

The Company reviews the progress of the planning actions and evaluates the need to improve.

References: (2019). NAZCA 2019. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Nov. 2019]. (2019). THETIS MRV - EMSA - European Maritime Safety Agency. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Nov. 2019].
Mindscape (2017). Paris agreement simplified. [video] Available at: [Accessed 5 Nov. 2019].
MAN Energy Solutions (2013). Emission Possible - The Engine Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). [image] Available at: [Accessed 5 Nov. 2019]. (2019). THETIS-MRV. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Nov. 2019]. (2019). What is the Paris Agreement? | UNFCCC. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Nov. 2019]. (2019). ADOPTION OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Nov. 2019]. (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Nov. 2019].
vlogbrothers, (2017). The Paris Accord: What is it? And What Does it All Mean?. [image] Available at: [Accessed 5 Nov. 2019].


         “ Out of Box Maritime Thinker” © 2018 and Aleksandar Pudar assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this paper. The information contained in this paper is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information. The ideas and strategies should never be used without first assessing your own company situation or system, or without consulting a consultancy professional. The content of this paper is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only


2.13.1 INTRODUCTION DEFINITION Prescriptive maintenance in marine engineering is an evolution of maintenance strategies, meldin...